Virutcha shastra - Moon dasa - Moon bhukti remedies

         Stars like Rohini, Hastham, Thiruvonam belong to Planet Moon. In moon dasa, moon bhukti is the first sub period. During this period if moon is not placed in favourable places in one's astrological chart one has to plant Nagalinga maram (Couroupita guianensis) according to virutcha shastra.In tamil it is called as நாகலிங்க மரம் .

 Before the day of the plantation of Nagalinga maram, little bit of backyard beans should be immersed in water. The plant should be planted on first monday morning of moon dasa- moon bhukti period in places like temples, garden and sides of river .After plantation the water in which backyard bean is immersed should be served to the plant. The backyard beans should be given to Cow.    


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